Lenette Evans ministering to some of Benton Harbor’s homeless at the riverfront.
By Lenette Evans, St. Joseph, Michigan
We all live day to day going about our own lives, going to work, caring for our children and families, paying bills, going on vacations and having dinner with friends and family. Here in Benton Harbor, Michigan, there are many homeless people living under bridges and at the riverfront, in abandoned homes, alleys, and throughout the city with no place to go.
I am a street Evangelist and have been ministering and working with the homeless, prostitutes, alcohol and drug abusers for several years. I am ministering mostly to people who are on the streets, in the Emergency Women's Shelter Soup Kitchen, Peter's House Ministry, Salvation Army, Homeless on the Riverfront, under bridges and wherever the Lord leads me.
To minister to the lost is not just about preaching the word of God and praying with them. It's about building genuine friendships, getting to know them and hearing their story and their heart and taking time to listen and accept them for who they are, just as Jesus Christ has loved us. Homeless people and those living in poverty need unconditional love from a caring community and churches that will seriously rise up and make a difference.
We don't need mayors, commissioners, and city officials and people who say they are going to do something to help the homeless and find them housing but do absolutely nothing. A lot of people say a lot but very few do anything to help, including those in churches in the community. "Help us make a difference in a life". Hislovestreetministries.com
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