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Monday, May 30, 2011

Female Veterans Face Unemployment and Homelessness

The Huffington Post is reporting that despite the growing number of women serving in the armed forces, female veterans are still less accepted on the home front. American communities more readily accept -- and offer help to -- male service members, while female veterans are left to navigate unemployment, homlessness, hunger, and physical and mental abuse alone after returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. According to the article, despite fighting and dying in wars, women are still not accorded the same level of respect as their male counterparts. There are some organizations, like U.S. Vets Initiative in California, that are trying to help female veterans, but they are few and far between.

Female veterans also face "a shocking amount" of sexual harassment and sexual assault, so many are returning with sexual trauma on top of post-traumatic stress disorder. Talk about being kicked while down. We have got to do more to protect women while they are abroad and to help them get back on their feet when they return home. For any veteran, male or female, to be living on the streets after serving this country is unacceptable.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Trinity Broadcasting-The Holy Land Experience

Holy Land Experience is a great place if you are single or have a family. My sister Jan Crouch; has brought alive this theme park that takes you back to the days of Christ. Trinity Broadcast Network has been a blessing in my life for many years. When I came to the Lord TBN lifted my spirit with the word and entertained  me with awesome Christian Television. Love my brother and sister in Christ "Jan and Paul Crouch.  http://www.holylandexperience.com/about/about.html

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Letter from Rock Bottom.

I write this from the public library, a 40 minute walk from the homeless shelter where I now reside with my children. Not a victim of the recession, but of playing the hand of a full house, and being beaten out by a royal flush. I speak metaphorically.I did everything I could to resist being here, but in the end the weight of the world pressed down too hard. Failure at a certain task is easy to overcome,failure at life is the worst obstacle.

It's not truly a bad place.The staff is kind and caring and they focus not on why you came to be here, but how to help you move forward.

A very kind soul named Emily has been the glue to hold my shattered spirit together. Listening to me without judgement and letting me cry when the emotion is too much to contain.I always thought I would be the one to help homeless people, never the flip side.

Too many events in my life have made me numb and mistrustful. Now I rely on the kindness of strangers and I have to let pride fall by the wayside. This is so very difficult for me.

You never know when life will throw you a curve ball and you will end up like this.

I try to stay positive, especially around my kids. They need to see me smile. They need to know that things will be OK.

I save my tears for when they are asleep. My kids miss home, the one they knew for many years, and sometimes their emotions spill over, and it breaks my heart. Forward from here is to find a safe place, no easy task..

Consider this my journal, and MODS move where you see fit...

I have hit the bottom with no where to go but up, and ATS has been a constant for me, and right now I need the stability. I'll update when I can... Help us make a difference in a life. http://Hislovestreetministries.com/

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A place to lay their heads: Ministry to the homeless struggles during these times.

They are the cautionary tales, lost souls destroyed by drugs, mental illness, abandonment and hopelessness.They are the ones we cross the street to avoid, their hands outstretched and pleading, their eyes hollow, their clothes tattered, their appearance unsettling. It is because of them that we count our blessings.In passing and with a sharp twinge of guilt, we want to help, "if only we could."
Seth Murphy understands that feeling, but rather than walking by, he's doing something about it.

In July 2003, Murphy was working at a homeless shelter in Blue Mountain when it changed its focus and became a drug rehabilitation center. Many of those living at the shelter were once more put back on the streets.Murphy, along with a friend he'd been working alongside, took two of the men they had come to know and trust to stay temporarily at his mother's house in Oxford, where they slept on the back porch.

"That's how it all got started … kind of by accident," says Murphy, 36. "By the end of the week, we had seven homeless guys sleeping out on her porch. We were just supplying them with the basic needs — food, clothing and a place to lay their head."
Out of those humble beginnings, a ministry was born. Servant of Jesus Church and Shelter offers a second chance to men, women and children who are looking for a way to survive by getting off the streets and back on their feet.
"The homeless are really our brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers. They are our children," Murphy says. "All they want are their lives back, and maybe a little respect along the way."

Tim Skinner met Murphy a few years ago while trying to find a suitable shelter for an estranged relative battling drug addiction. Everywhere he looked, Skinner found only dead ends. That was until he heard about Servant of Jesus Church.
"Seth will take the people no one else will," Skinner says. "He's just got a heart and a passion for helping people."Those include "several" veterans, the mentally ill, those battling drug addiction, the unemployed and several who are waiting on disability claims from the state.

In 2004, Murphy and his wife, Leigh, with the help of donations from friends, family and private entities as well as assistance from the Salvation Army, Center of Hope and Word Alive, moved the growing ministry into two buildings along McCoy Avenue in Blue Mountain — one for men, another for women and children. The ministry also has a third building along the same street that serves as a church, where everyone gathers for meals and weekly worship services."We've pretty much taken over the whole street," Murphy says with a slight laugh. "I'd like to see its name changed from McCoy Avenue to Jesus Way."
But times are tough and getting tougher.Relying heavily on donations from "regular working folks" who, because of the recent economic shift are finding it harder to give, maintaining Servant of Jesus has grown increasingly difficult. Those who live in the shelters are having trouble finding work, thus they can't give back. Meanwhile, the bills are piling up, and sometimes it's a struggle just keeping the electricity on. "But we're still here, doing whatever it takes," Murphy says.

Providing shelter for the homeless isn't Murphy's lone battle. He also has kidney problems and is on dialysis three times a week. During one of his visits to Dr. V.M. Reddy, who practices internal medicine at the Anniston Wellness Center, Murphy started talking about the shelter and its many needs. Reddy, who is from India, was intrigued. "This is our community now," Reddy says. "(The homeless) are part of our familym and I wanted to help any way that I can."

After viewing a video Murphy compiled about his ministry, Reddy made a donation that was instrumental in helping Murphy open one of the buildings he rents on McCoy. Several of Murphy's residents have since become patients of Reddy's."Seth's doing the best he can," Reddy says. "The community needs to also step forward. Seth's doing the hard work. It's easy to give money, but to actually go out and help these people … that's impressive, and should be rewarded."

Friday, May 13, 2011

Vets suffer unemployment, foreclosures, homelessness and disabilities.

Coming home to a different kind of war. Please realize tht homeless is becoming huge. http://Hislovestreetministries.com/  Donate and help make a difference.
May 10, 2011
Matt McColl, combat-wounded Iraq war veteran who experienced homelessness after being discharged for his wounds.
In 2010, over 20 percent of young Iraq and Afghanistan U.S. war veterans were unemployed, while over 75,000 were homeless. In addition, the Department of Veterans Affairs reported a spike in suicides last year of vets between the ages of 18 and 29. This is because of multiple deployments, time away from families, the brutality we witness inflicted on the occupied peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan and the complete neglect of our mental health when we return.

When we come back from fighting for a lie that only benefits Wall Street and the banks, we enter a different kind of war. After deploying and dodging bullets, IEDs and indirect fire, we find ourselves dodging unemployment lines, foreclosures and a dysfunctional Veterans Affairs system where it takes endless amounts of time to access the care that we have earned.

The same banks that profit off the wars, that profit off our deaths, wounds, suffering and time away from our families, target us when we return home. USA Today reported Feb. 4 that more than 20,000 veterans, active-duty troops and reservists who took out “special” government-backed mortgages had their homes taken away last year—the highest number since 2003.

We can clearly see in the wake of the destruction wreaked upon the people of Iraq and Afghanistan the effects that these wars and occupations are having on us at home. We can clearly see that this government does not care about its own vets. So why are we still in a love affair with the idea that it ever cared about liberating the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan?

Just imagine the price we pay for the wars—$700 million a day—being pumped back into programs to fund real human needs, not the profit drive of big banks, weapons contractors and oil giants.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spirit Clothing-Homeless

Spirit Clothing is a Non-profit 501c3 that turns your old clothing into money. We auction your unwanted clothing for the homeless to feed, shelter and employ. We accept all clothing in good condition.

Those outfits that no longer fit or have no desire for anymore please send to us. http://Lovestreethotel.com/

Send Items.
His Love Street
PO. Box 9613
Denver, Colorado 80209

Help us make a difference in a life.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blessed In and Out.

What an awesome God; I am thankful for my family, and for my brother Tim Tebow and his wins for Denver this coming year. Tim, is blessed for his love of God as well as my sister and entire family. This is the year that the Lord has made for me and "His Love Street Ministries" watch, for us soon nation-wide as God is opening doors for for HIS GLORY.
Join us at http://Hislovestreetministries.com/

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

His Love Street Ministries-Denver Colorado

A Non-profit 501(c)3 for a better life in our community. To donate http://Hislovestreetministries.com/

We are not a religious organization but an organization that realizes the needof many living on the streets who cannot see hope. Our mission is to give and to restore hope as well as to feed, shelter and help with employment to eventually enable the homeless to establish a home of their own.

Our long-term vision is to open a Homeless Hotel in Reno, Nevada and an Out-reach and pantry center in Denver area, for the last three years I have worked hard doing fund raisers. Unemployment rate in Nevada is 14.5 and almost every block away from the casino's has homeless by the thousands living underneath roads and in tunnels. Shelters are a quick fix for a short time but they do not take care of the long-term problem. Help us make a difference in a life.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

God way, proves a great life.

Defiling God will lead to an unhappy and miserable life.

Facts: devastation, from killings to tornados, earthquakes, with countries fighting with each other and those coming here to the United States bombing our buildings and much more to come. How can I say this? It is written in Mark 13:8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains. As I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s we never had the Donald Trump’s and Palin’s or those fighting to keep God out of the schools and coming against the president and trying to enforce this country their way and not God’s way.

We are slowly replacing God everyday with our own needs and wants and the outcome is the results that are taking place today. All, in all I would not or could not change anyone as I do not have the power, but we are all responsible for our actions as a country which was founded on Jesus at one time. The time is now to pull here in the United States by helping our own people from New Orleans, Tuscaloosa to the homeless in our own backyard across America. What I am saying is what God has commanded in Proverbs 28:27 those who give to the poor will lack nothing,

but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses.

What I have learned in my fifty years of life is when you defined God there is a price to pay and many have died doing it their own way and not the way designed by the loving God. And why? What an awesome life; being at peace by caring and loving your neighbors, family and surroundings and giving to those who need you and doing its God way. So why do we fight God? We are seeing the results!!!!