We offer 19 years of experience and comprehensive expertise in housing development, property management systems, and social service delivery. We guide you in bringing together service providers, government agencies, landlords, businesses, and community leaders to support homelessness prevention and housing solutions.
Street to Home client in his new apartment at the Times SquareEnd Street Homelessness Through Targeted Outreach and Housing Placement
We help you adapt our innovative outreach and housing placement program that reduced street homelessness in New York City’s Times Square neighborhood by 87%. We move individuals living on the street directly into housing, and provide them with the individualized assistance they need to get back on their feet and lead a stable life. The City of New York adopted our approach as its citywide strategy to end homelessness, and we have assisted other cities — Denver, Toronto, Atlanta, Adelaide — in introducing similar efforts to their communities.
Develop State-of-the-Art Supportive Housing
Working with public agencies, nonprofit and for-profit developers, we create housing based on our model of integrating mixed-income workers with the formerly homeless. We assess project feasibility, including organizational readiness; we help select development team members, evaluate financial options, advise on site acquisition and quality design, and help to secure political and community support.
Schermerhorn House in downtown Brooklyn.Integrate the Formerly Homeless into Mixed-Income Housing
Mixed-income communities can successfully integrate formerly homeless individuals and families at risk of losing their homes. Common Ground’s experience in working with national leaders in mixed-income housing will help you incorporate supportive housing components in large-scale redevelopments and a range of projects.
Provide Quality Housing Management
Common Ground currently operates more than 1,600 units of housing. We have established a strong track record of providing housing for the formerly homeless in properties reflecting the highest management standards. Our innovative Management Index monitors and evaluates tenant well-being and the quality of building operations. We guide you through establishing facility management systems, tenant selection, rent collection, and security planning for special needs populations. We demonstrate the feasibility of renting to a wide range of households, while enhancing neighborhoods and contributing to communities’ economic development.
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