Please give an ear to a plea that is a passion deep in my heart, for the last two years I have heard from many “great work” and “thanks for helping the homeless” as well as “they have a choice and can get a job.” If only you could spend the day with me when I am on the streets and could see the hurt, sicknesses, and the many that truly want help and cry out but, the same door keeps closing for them. Where do you find a job without clean clothing, a call back number, or an address?
You see when I started going out on the streets back in 1989 the numbers where high but, now it has tripled. I get emails and followers on face book from many of whom had great homes and jobs, but just tonight a man, with a family of seven, who made 90k has lost his home and is in his last night in a one room motel. The true life stories I experience daily are not from those who gave up but, everyday people who had great jobs and beautiful homes.
Life has no guarantees and we never know whose door we might end up at, no matter where we are today or believe in all that we have. Yes, I know there are many diseases and sickness and so many causes to give too but, this epidemic is hitting every area and as of 2010 there are over 3.8 million people that are homeless in the United States. I cannot reach the world but, I shall reach out to as many as I can from Denver to Seattle. Please search your heart as I pray that we can open a food and clothing pantry on December 1st 2010. Currently we are short $9,500.00 so, whatever you can do please help us as it could be you or someone close to you one day that needs help and hopefully there is someone there to help. God bless, Reverend Trey
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