Working hard and getting a bachelors degree is no guarantee that you will not end up on food stamps. The current economic crisis in the United States, and particularly in Michigan, has left many qualified workers
ending up in total poverty. This crisis has affected people far and wide from every economic sector of this once great country. According to the New York Times, one in eight Americans and one in four children are already on the rolls for the welfare system nationwide.
Laid-off middle class workers are running out of unemployment and their 401(k)s. What happens to us when all runs out and we are living on nothing but food stamps? We do not want bigger government taking care of us, we want to work and take care of ourselves. We want to be able to pay our bills. Until there are once again jobs for people to go to, there will be no turn around for our current economic crisis.
We the middle class have never been on public assistance and do not want a hand out. We want a hand up. What is going to happen to us?
My husband is a 59-year-old laid-off plastic engineer who cannot find work. Our story is not much different from many of the other millions of people facing this crisis. With an unexpected job loss, car payments to make, credit card bills and not enough money to sustain us for the rest of our lives, we have lost the car, fallen way behind on credit cards and all of our savings are gone. We make enough on unemployment to cover our mortgage and COBRA insurance.
Once the unemployment runs out, we will have no money to pay for anything. Then what?
Ending up on food stamps was not our plan. Forty plus years of hard work, raising a family and trying to live right and do the right things has come to a dead end. What happened to the American dream? Our lives and the lives of so many others were not supposed to end up this way. Please donate to help " Make A Difference In A Life" Hislovestreetministries.com