Here is a story I have not shared and God, said it is time to share it. Since I have met Jesus in 1987 my life has been blessed in a major way, I did not have millions nor even thousands but a great family and all my bills were paid and food on the table. My calling for the homeless came in 1989 and then two major things came in ... See More2009 and 2010. First in 2010, God, places a vision to open a homeless hotel and to change lives and to give hope when many feel there is no hope.
Then just two months ago, I received a call from my half sister in San Francisco and she became homeless at 50. Wow, what a revelation but I praise God because now I knew that we could come together due to this is my ministry. Well no such luck because she has become harden by the streets as, well as lost in her thoughts. You see homeless is not a choice in most cases, how did my sister became homeless well she was going to work one day and was shot by gang members three times and almost died and every since then Kim has not been the same. The state gives her 429.00 per month so she cannot afford to get a home nor the needed push. (More so she gave up hope, because she feels there is no hope.) So you see it can hit any person for no fault of there own.
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