My name is Trey Louis Noran, and I am a Reverend for the homeless. I am known in several venues from the entertainment business, as my God mother was “Mae West” to my Ministry called “His Love Street Ministries” along with a tee shirt named “Real men Love 2 Cuddle.” My mission is to open a homeless hotel and several Out-reach centers through out the USA to help clear up some of our nations major homeless situation.
The need is major but I do not only want to feed and shelter the homeless, but also help them clean up and gain productive employment. Why do I come to you? In my many travels through life, I have learned it is not only a person’s talent, but also whom you know.
When it comes to the homeless, I have many well-wishers that wish me the best. I have Stars from Tina Turner to Cher on face book, although they believe that what I am doing is great they only send me messages of “Good Work” and “We love what you are doing.”
What I truly need is a push to get the word out nationally and a newspaper that will take an extra stand for God and help me. I have worked hard this last year and a half to get the word to Hollywood and Nashville, but now I need the media. Please search deep within your heart and help me make a difference in a person’s life and to save a life by giving them the promise of a better future. Therefore, many in the homeless world have given up. They hurt, hate and commit crime just to get housing even if it is for just one night. Let us stop a major part of this unnecessary heartache through my vision from God to open a Homeless Hotel and Outreach Center. I have used all of my strength and determination to fight for this cause for over two decades and find that I now need the media’s help. Please help me publish my cause in your newspaper or tell your Media friends.
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