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Sunday, January 22, 2012

His Love Street Hotel-For The Glory Of God 2012.

Obama 2012 His Love Street.

I agree with a lady saying that Obama brings a happiness and life to the office; as he has dealt with much on his plate and the cleaning up Bush's mess and others in the office. For another Republican to take us back there could we bare it again. It's we the people, for the people not we the rich. As " Jesus" walk this earth for the sick, humble and those in need. And the needs are many from jobs to housing and with Obama there is hope!!
The person that posted this video was attacked by many.


His statement is below.
Really sorry about the blocked comments everyone, but reading all the racist bile from YouTube's Ron Paul mob and Tea Party creatures got a little too depressing - life's waaaaay too short to be dealing with that level of hate!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tim Tebow

Brother Tim, God has given you favor with many for his glory. Many are betting on you but I believe that God is leading you. If those whom are betting on you would all give to “His Love Street” we would be able to raise enough money to start construction for our vision to open a true unique hotel that would not only feed and clothe the homeless but place them in jobs, and establish a home of their own. Http://Hislovestreet2012.com/

Saturday, January 7, 2012

His Love Street 2012 "Help Make A Difference In A Life".

Last year was a bad year for donations as we were unable to do much; so keep me in prayer for "His Love Street" to start construction to help thousands with food, clothing, and a chance for many homeless to get a home of their own. http://Hislovestreet2012.com/