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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dred Scott and Trey Noran on KGNU radio September 20th 2011 Live.

Dred Scott's new song "Ballad of a  Husteler" is a song that has meaning and will touch many as this will  be a huge seller. Dred D Scott's Debut next week at Lannies Clocktower Cabaret in downtown Denver. Look for Dred's CD "Trials and Tribulations" on sale October 1st 2011.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

iTBN Glory to God.

What an awesome God, iTBN 24 hours a day; when you need lifting, prayer or want to watch a show you can anytime you want. TBN; God has used your station for his vision, Jan and Paul your love and support has helped me many times in my life. From Russia to Denver at a click of a mouse you can watch PTL.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Trey Noran Hold On to your dreams.

Hold on to your Dreams"

Many have said during my vision to open a homeless hotel; that it is too big of a dream and I was not realistic enough and it would never happen. But you see when God place’s a vision and a dream in your heart “Trust in Him With all Thy Heart” he shall open doors that many can’t and close the wrong doors. We are filming the “Early Show” and had a hug article in The Denver Post, and working with The Ellen DeGeneres and The New Rosie O’Donnell Show that shall get the word out to open the doors of “His Love Street Hotel for the homeless. And for years I seen nothing happen but my faith would not allow me to quit. Our Corporation released yesterday " Dred D. Scott's Trials and Tribulations. H.I.S Label. http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/dredscott

His Love Street Hotel

Homeless Hotel Reno, Nevada

Training center, clinic, employment placement, chapel, 1000 rooms and business’s to employ the homeless.
Help support this vision http://Hislovestreet.com/

Thursday, September 8, 2011

President Obama and His Love Street.

Address to Congress: September 8, 2011 by President Obama was terrific and he is so right to bring jobs back to the USA and not over sea’s as well as veterans when they return after protecting our freedom to be able to have a job when they return. Ok, McCain and Palin give credit where credit is deserved as your actions are not of caring but over ruling the President. Thank you, President Obama for taking on past Presidents messes and debits.

Let’s work together as a county not a political party.

Dred D.Scott-His Love Corporation

Thanks to the many people who have support Dred Scott; we are working hard and his first CD will be for sale in three weeks with all his original material and it is great. CBS producer stated this shall go Platinum very quickly. A small sample is on our site at http://hislovestreet.com/ his CD shall be on sale Octiber 1st 2011 also join us on face book and his Debut is in Denver September 28th 2011 at Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret.