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Friday, July 29, 2011

Dred Scott and His Love Street Fundraiser.

Tickets are now sale for a great evening of music with "Dred Scott" also to raise money to open a pantry and work placement center for the homeless.   http://lannies.com/?p=11366/

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dred Scott and His Love Street.

DENVER (CBS4) – A homeless Denver man who plays regularly on the 16th Street Mall has made it onto iTunes.

David Adebonojo, who uses the performance name Dred Scott, moved to Denver sixteen years ago for the music scene. He found work and had an apartment. But then things went wrong. The apartment was infested by bed bugs.

“I couldn’t work because I wasn’t sleeping. Then I got behind in rent,” he told CBS4 on Friday from his performance spot on the mall.

Now he does what he loves full time, but income is inconsistent.

“I’ve come out here, set up, played, broke a string, made a dollar, and left. I’ve come out here, played, and made $300,” he said.
Three weeks ago local musician Tyler Ward stumbled onto Adebonojo’s talent.

“I had dinner on 16th street mall and right after I came outside I was walking outside and on the corner, I heard this amazing sound and was like, ‘Who is that?’” Ward told CBS4.
Joining forces with a Christian outreach group His Love Street, Ward shot a video for YouTube of Adebonojo performing. This week they got an EP of Dred Scott’s music on iTunes. It has already generated almost $2,000.
It wasn’t enough right away to take him off the streets, but Adebonojo is hopeful the help he’s getting to get his music heard will change his life for the better.
“That’s what these guys have done for me … you know, take my music and make it available to larger groups of people,” said Adebonojo, who says the Internet was the “next logical step” for him but he didn’t know enough about the web to figure out how to make it happen.

Watch Dred Scott perform Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On?” in its entirety in the video below:
Ward, who runs an online independent label, would love to see Adebonojo get popular enough to be able to get off the streets and into clubs, and perhaps tour.
Adebonojo says his music is something akin to “anti-pop.”
“Pop is like the majority of everything so there has to be a counterweight on it. There has to be serious music. And I provide serious music.”

LINK: Dred Scott – Live From 16th Street Mall (on iTunes)

LINK: His Love Street http://hislovestreet.com/

LINK: Tyler Ward Music

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dred Scott, Tyler Ward, Trey Noran and His Love Street.

Trey Louis Noran via Dred Scott

Tyler and I would like to thank you for your support of Dred, and soon we pray that he shall be on his way. Tyler Ward, and I came together with His Love Street, to help Dred and others who sleep on the streets and hope for a chance to show the world their talents; and get a home of their own. http://hislovestreet.com/

Help us make a change in a life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goU_1m2pclk

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Let's stop homelessness.

Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count takes place every two years.

Los Angeles has the highest street homeless population in the nation. Every day we see men, women and children without a place to call home. We don’t have to accept homelessness as an unsolvable problem. With your help we can end homelessness.
In the fight to end homelessness, we work to connect those in need to emergency shelters, transitional housing, overnight shelters and prevention programs, with the end goal of placing them in permanent housing.

In 2011, we counted and estimated 69,340 homeless persons in Los Angeles County. Tabulating numbers is not the end goal – knowing who and where our homeless populations are allows us to target our resources more effectively to get people housed. The Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count is about building stronger communities where everyone is safe, secure and housed.

How homelessness is defined by HUD (The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development):

A homeless person is: An individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and An individual or family who has a primary nighttime residence that is:

A supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional housing for the mentally ill);

An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or
A public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, regular sleeping accommodations for human beings.
This term does not include any individual imprisoned or otherwise detained under an Act of Congress or a State law.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Dred Scott July 4th 2011.

A Homeless brother with talent in the streets of downtown Denver. Many are searching for a chance and a way to get back on their feet. http://hislovestreet.com/   today I shall search for this man in hopes we can work together to raise money for the many homeless people and children in Denver, Colorado. His Link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKiiNq72040